Legal Information

Privacy Policy

Full version for Early Careers opportunities:

Ashurst is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data during the recruitment process and which rights and options you have in this respect.

Please also refer to this Cookie Policy which explains the use of cookies and other web tracking devices via this recruitment website.

Who is responsible for your personal data?

Ashurst is responsible for your personal data. Ashurst comprises:-

Ashurst LLP, (OC330252) London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London E1 6PW, United Kingdom; Ashurst Australia, (ABN 75 304 286 095) a general partnership constituted under the laws of Australian Capital Territory at 5 Martin Place, Sydney, New South Wales 2000 and their respective representatives and affiliates (including affiliates providing non-legal services) (the "Ashurst Entities").

Specifically, your data will be controlled by the Ashurst Entity that you are engaging with during the recruitment process.

Types of personal data we collect:

As a firm, we collect the following Personal Data about you during the recruitment process:

Personal contact details such as first name, middle name, surname, title, address, telephone number, email addresses and date of birth

Equal opportunities monitoring information such as gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, health and sexual orientation

Recruitment information, including qualifications, information regarding your professional qualifications, language skills, references and other information in your application form

Information about your health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records to the extent that you require adjustments to be made to our assessment and interview processes

Information regarding your right to work in the jurisdiction in which you have applied

Information provided by third party providers/systems on your performance using screening or selection tools

Information about criminal convictions and offences committed by you , for examples, any criminal offence convictions or court judgements .

Are you required to provide personal data?

As a general principle, you will provide us with your personal data entirely voluntarily. There are generally no detrimental effects for you if you choose not to consent or to provide personal data.

However, we will be unable to process your application for any relevant available role with Ashurst unless you provide your consent for us to process your personal data.

How do we collect your personal data?

We will only collect information provided directly by you in your online application form and your responses to any contextualised screening questions.

For which purposes will we use your personal data?

We may use your data for the following purposes ("Permitted Purposes":

  • To make decisions about your recruitment and appointment;
  • To check you are legally entitled to work in the jurisdiction in which you are applying to work;
  • To assess your qualifications for a particular job or task;
  • To conduct data analytics studies to assess and better understand job application rates and the efficacy of our recruitment processes;
  • To consider and make any appropriate adjustments to our recruitment processes as a result of any disability you may have;
  • To carry out equal opportunities monitoring;
  • To protect the security of and managing access to our premises (including security cameras) , IT and communication systems
  • For business management, reporting and planning purposes; and
  • For monitoring and assessing compliance with our policies and standards.

We may also process your personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations; or

Because processing is necessary for purposes of our legitimate interest or those of any third party recipients that receive your personal data, provided that such interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

We collect the following Special Category Persona l Data for diversity monitoring purposes:

  • Race or ethnic origin
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Sexual orientation

We collect this information in order to generate aggregated, statistical data which we use to assess and demonstrate the diversity of our applicants.

When this information is processed by Ashurst, our processing activities do not identity any individual or contain information from which an individual can be identified.

Personal data concerning racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation will only be collected if this personal data is provided by the you when requested through our diversity monitoring questionnaires.

With whom will we share your personal data?

We may share the following data with our third party partnerships for monitoring and reporting purposes:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Email address
  • University
  • Position applied for
  • Stage of the recruitment process

We share this data with third party partnerships in order to assess the effectiveness of campaigns and associated networks.

Where statistics relating to diversity information are shared or published, such data will be in aggregated, de-identified form and will not refer to any individual. This data will not contain information from which an individual can be identified.

Keeping personal data about you secure

We have implemented and will take appropriate technical and organizational (including administrative and physical) measures to keep your personal data confidential and secure from unauthorized access, use and disclosure in accordance with our internal policies and procedures covering the storage, transfer, disclosure of and access to personal data. Personal data may be kept on our personal data technology systems, those of our contractors or suppliers, or in paper files.

We also require our business partners, suppliers, and third parties to implement appropriate safeguards, such as contract terms and access restrictions, to protect information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure.

Keeping personal data about you secure

Ashurst is a globally active law firm. We may transfer your personal data abroad if required for the Permitted Purposes as described above. This may include countries which do not provide the same level of protection as the laws of your home country (for example, the laws within the UK, European Economic Area or Australia).

We will ensure that any such international transfers are made subject to appropriate or suitable safeguards as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or other relevant laws. This includes entering into the EU Standard Contractual Clauses which are available here. Where appropriate, data transfers from the UK will be covered by the UK IDTA which can be found here. You may contact us anytime using the contact details below if you would like further information on such safeguards.

All Ashurst offices throughout the world will at all times ensure a level of data protection at least as protective as that required in the European Economic Area and Australia. We will also require our agents, consultants and sub-contractors and others who are outside the European Economic Area or Australia and to whom we transfer your personal data to ensure a similar level of data protection.
Updating personal data about you

If any of the personal data that you have provided to us changes, for example if you change your email address or if you wish to cancel any request you have made of us, or if you become aware we have any inaccurate personal data about you, please let us know by sending an email to . We will not be responsible for any losses arising from any inaccurate, inauthentic, deficient or incomplete Personal Data that

For how long do we retain your personal data?

Your personal data will be deleted when it is no longer reasonably required for the Permitted Purposes or you withdraw your consent (where applicable) and we are not legally required or otherwise permitted to continue storing such data. We will, in particular, retain your personal data where required for Ashurst to assert or defend against legal claims until the end of the relevant retention period or until the claims in question have been settled.

Your rights

Subject to certain legal conditions, you have the right to request a copy of the personal data about you which we hold, to have any inaccurate personal data corrected and to object to or restrict our using your personal data. You have the right to have personal data erased and a right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling. You may also make a complaint if you have a concern about our handling of your personal data.

If you wish to do any of the above please send an email to We may request that you prove your identity by providing us with a copy of a valid means of identification in order for us to comply with our security obligations and to prevent unauthorised disclosure of data. We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable administrative fee for any manifestly unfounded or excessive requests concerning your access to your data, and for any additional copies of the personal data you request from us.

We will consider any requests or complaints which we receive and provide you with a response in a timely manner. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may take your complaint to the relevant privacy regulator. We will provide you with details of your relevant regulator upon request.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated in May 2024. We reserve the right to update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes to the way in which we process your personal data or changing legal requirements. In case of any such changes, we will post the changed Privacy Policy on our website or publish it otherwise. The changes will take effect as soon as they are posted on this website.

How to get in touch with Ashurst

We welcome your views about our recruitment website and our Recruitment Privacy Policy. If you would like to contact us with any queries or comments, please send an email to or send a letter to Data Manager, Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London E1 6PW, United Kingdom, or to the Privacy Officer, Ashurst Australia, GPO Box 9938 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2001.