Legal development

Australian electricity and gas markets - October 2021 update

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    What you need to do:

    Stakeholders should note the new rules and reports published below, and note the deadlines for making submissions.

    National Electricity Rules

    On 21 October 2021:

    • The AEMC published a final determination for the Efficient Management of System Strength on the Power System rule change.  
    • The AEMC published a final determination for the Generator registrations and connections rule change. 
    • The AEMC initiated a rule change proposal for the Minor changes 3 2021 rule change to correct minor errors and make non-material changes to the NER. Stakeholders can make submissions on the rule change proposal by COB 18 November 2021.

    On 28 October 2021:

    • The AEMC published a draft determination for the Enhancing operational resilience in relation to indistinct events rule change.  Stakeholders can make submissions on the draft determination by COB 6 January 2022.
    • The AEMC extended the time to make a final determination and rule for the Integrating energy storage systems into the NEM rule change to 2 December 2021, to allow additional time to consider issues stakeholders have raised during consultation.
    • The AEMC published a consultation paper on the Extension of time and reduction in scope of the 2022 reliability standard and settings review rule change. Stakeholders can make submissions on the consultation paper by COB 25 November 2021.
    • The AEMC published a consultation paper for the Removal of unaccounted for energy from liable load in the retailer reliability obligation rule change.  Stakeholders can make submissions on the consultation paper by COB 25 November 2021.
    • The AEMC extended the time to make a final determination and rule for the Compensation for market participants affected by intervention events rule change to 2 December 2021, to align with the revised timeframe for the Integrating energy storage systems in the NEM rule change.

    National Energy Retail Rules

    No retail rule change requests were received in October. No AEMC determinations relevant to the NERR were published.

    National Gas Rules

    On 21 October 2021:

    • The AEMC published a consultation paper for the DWGM distribution connection facilities rule change.  Stakeholders can make submissions on the consultation paper by COB 2 December 2021.

    Other updates

    On 21 October 2021:

    • The AEMC published a consultation paper for the Review into extending the regulatory frameworks to hydrogen and renewable gases. Stakeholders can make submissions on the consultation paper by COB 2 December 2021.
    • The AEMC published its Final decision on review of compensation guidelines to incorporate wholesale demand response.

    Click here to see our latest Energy Alerts, as part of our Energy Alert Series.  

    Authors: Paul Newman, Partner; Andre Dauwalder, Senior Associate.

    The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
    Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.