Legal development

Fintech Legal Labs pre event materials

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    Welcome 2023 cohort and congratulations! We are looking forward to meeting you all in person very soon.

    This page has been set up in order to provide you with access to introductory information from our legal experts ahead of your attendance at the programme on Tuesday 09 – Thursday 11 May 2023.

    Through the videos you see below, we have provided insight into the 'need to know' information for each legal area before meeting the teams. These materials have been designed specifically with fintech start ups in mind and we hope you find them useful.

    Please watch each video ahead of your attendance by clicking on each thumbnail image. You can also download the slides for future reference.

    If these shape your key legal questions which you would like to ask throughout the programme. Just let us know and we can pass these on to the teams in advance.


    The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
    Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.