Indonesia's New Regulation on Renewable PPAs – Supporting Renewable Power in a Time of Global Uncertainty
14 March 2025

14 March 2025
March 2025
Following the issuance two and half years ago of Presidential Regulation 112/2022 on Renewable Energy (PR 112/2022 – see summary attached), the Government of Indonesia has just issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Regulation No. 5 of 2025 on Guidelines for Power Purchase Agreements from Power Plants Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources (MEMR 5/2025).
Prior to this, the guidelines governing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) were regulated under MEMR Regulation No. 10 of 2017 on Guidelines for Power Purchase Agreements from Power Plants (MEMR 10/2017) which applied to all types of technologies including conventional power plants (coal and gas).
With the introduction of MEMR 5/2025, renewable PPAs will be subject to a different and specific set of guidelines (as had been already foreshadowed in PR 112/2022).
While MEMR 5/2025 provides specific key principles and requirements for PPAs for renewable independent power producer (IPP) projects in Indonesia (for which PLN is the sole offtaker), stakeholders (including developers, investors and financiers) will be pleased to know that the new regulation generally seems to codify the practice which we have seen established in recent PLN PPAs for projects which have successfully been financed and developed, and includes some helpful clarifications on issues which had required a significant amount of discussion and structuring in the past.
Some of the key changes include:
a. Development Scheme
Whereas BOOT used to apply to IPPs by default, the regulation now clearly presents the Build, Own, and Operate (BOO) scheme as an option, if not the dominant scheme, for renewable projects. This is consistent with the approach we have seen used in Indonesian renewable PPAs in recent years.
b. Environmental Attributes and Carbon Economic Value
MEMR 5/2025 expressly allows for the IPPs and PLN to agree by contract on the allocation of carbon credits and other environmental tradable rights if the allocation is not otherwise determined by applicable regulations. This seems to offer more flexibility than what has been recent PLN PPA practice, whereby PLN's position had been to require for all environmental attributes to be allocated to it pursuant to the PPA terms.
c. PPA Extension
MEMR 5/2025 establishes a maximum PPA duration of 30 years but with possible extensions to be determined by PLN based on the project's economic feasibility and the type of technology (referring essentially to operating life of renewable generation assets). Previous PLN PPAs only permitted extensions in the context of force majeure. This new regime therefore opens up potential for an additional revenue generating period beyond the initial term of the PPA, without limiting this to circumstances where the project has or has not recovered the investment costs.
d. Pre-COD Share Transfers
MEMR 5/2025 now expressly allows lenders to transfer shares in an IPP company pre-COD, albeit subject to being to a sponsor with comparable qualifications and PLN's prior consent. Under another MEMR Regulation (48/2017), share transfers pre-COD (including in case of lender enforcement) had been restricted altogether, resulting in significant additional complexity for project financings.
As is often the case, there are some areas of ambiguity (such as force majeure and grid risk) in respect of which we would need to see whether the language of MEMR 5/2025 is merely short form or intended to reflect changes in the recommended PPA terms. There is also one more problematic potential change to note, which is that MEMR 5/2025 now seems to require that any tariff change due to change in law to be subject to the further approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources if it would exceed the then applicable benchmark published under PR 112/2022.
Nevertheless, as a whole, MEMR 5/2025 appears to be a further sign of commitment of the GOI to its energy transition in a period of renewed global uncertainty.
Set out below is an overview of the key provisions and principles of the new regulation and analysis of how this compares to recent Indonesian and broader market practice.
Whilst MEMR 5/2025 is generally in line with the recent practice and terms observed in PLN renewables PPAs signed over the past few years, the regulation also introduces a number of changes to the guidelines on PPAs as established by MEMR 10/2017.
Whilst the coverage of MEMR 10/2017 covered all generation technologies including conventional (thermal) sources1, MEMR 5/2025 focuses on the following renewable energy technologies2:
For solar PV, wind, and tidal energy power plants, these may be equipped with battery facilities or other energy storage facilities and these facilities would also fall under the scope of coverage of MEMR 5/2025.3
Aside from the renewable energy technologies mentioned above, the regulation also applies to waste-to-energy projects.4
As there are quite significant differences between the operational characteristics of the abovementioned technologies, and their typical tariff structures, MEMR 5/2025 seeks to differentiate between these, such as with respect to geothermal power plants which have certain dedicated provisions and principles.
However, it is not always clear what features of MEMR 5/2025 are intended to apply to which types of project. For instance, an Availability Factor-related penalty also seems to potentially apply to intermittent renewable power generation under Article 24(3) of MEMR 5/2025, which would be unusual given the energy-based tariffs typically payable under PPAs for these technologies.
As the regulation purports to set out "guidelines" for renewable project PPAs, it is important to note that the can be supplemented or amended (contracted out) based on agreement between the parties (i.e. PLN and IPPs). Needless to say however that as the bargaining power of the parties is not entirely balanced (given the competitive nature of IPP procurements and PLN being the sole offtaker and an SOE subject to strict supervisory requirements), it may be difficult to alter principles from MEMR 5/2025 which lean in favour of the offtaker.
MEMR 5/2025 establishes a maximum PPA duration of 30 years from COD, and now expressly allows (at least in principle) for PPA extensions without considering the initial investment cost of a given project (i.e. including whether the project has been fully amortized).5 Each PPA's initial duration is determined by PLN, taking into account the project's economic feasibility and the type of power plant.6 If the PPA is extended, the tariff during the extension period will be based on the highest tariff which would apply based on the benchmark published from time to time under PR 112/2022.
This differs from the regime under MEMR 10/2017 which did not include any provisions allowing for extensions.7 In fact, most PLN renewable PPAs have tended to have a term of 25 years from COD (except hydro and geothermal where 30 years is the norm), with occasional extension rights for force majeure events, but usually capped at 30 years from COD.
MEMR 5/2025 still allows for a possible extension of the PPA due to the occurrence of a force majeure event8, but it also opens up potential for an additional revenue generating period beyond the initial term of the PPA and without limiting this to circumstances where the project has or has not recovered the investment costs.
Consistent with this approach the development scheme has also been formally revised from the Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer (BOOT) scheme which was contemplated under MEMR 10/2017 to either a BOO scheme or other development and operation schemes as agreed upon by the parties, taking into account the specific type/technology of the project. The use of a BOO model as the default PPA scheme is consistent with what we have been seeing in recent renewable PLN PPAs and would facilitate monetising the assets following the initial PPA term through a further PPA with PLN or other route to market which may be available at the time the PPA expires.
Consistent with the approach adopted by MEMR 10/2017, MEMR 5/2025 also sets out certain principles in terms of the project risk allocation between IPPs and PLN.9
IPP | |
PLN | |
While the above remain generally consistent with MEMR 10/2017 and the prevailing practice, we would note the following:
MEMR 5/2025 generally refers to PLN as having obligation to purchase electricity.12
While we would typically expect intermittent renewable power generation sources (including solar, wind and run of river hydro) to be subject to an energy-based tariff, and feed-in-tariffs apply to waste to energy, we would more usually expect certain renewable technologies (such as non-run of river hydropower projects) to have capacity-based tariffs.
Hopefully the effect of MEMR 5/2025 is not to remove this flexibility when it comes to setting a tariff structure which optimises the value add of the renewable energy asset. The reference to PLN's purchase obligations being linked to an "Availability Factor" would indicate that capacity-based tariffs should still be possible.
MEMR 5/2025 sets PLN's electricity purchase obligations and the performance levels to be met by the IPPs by reference to the concepts of "Contracted Energy" (or CE) and "Availability Factor" (or AF).
CE | is defined as the electricity that must be generated during the agreed period under the PPA.13 |
AF | is defined as the ratio between the total electricity output taken or deemed to be taken by PLN and the maximum possible electricity generation in kilowatt-hours (kWh), based on the net kilowatt capacity of the power plant as determined through testing during the period agreed upon in the PPA14 |
We understand the CE and AF are alternatives depending on the type of power plant. We would usually see the AF concept apply in the context of capacity-based PPAs such as non run-of-river hydropower projects, and assume that this is the intention in MEMR 5/2025.
With respect to PLN's offtake obligations under MEMR 5/2025, PLN is only required to purchase electricity based on the CE or AF. Deemed Dispatch compensation is also capped at the CE or AF (which is generally consistent with current PLN PPA practice).
Above the CE or AF (but not exceeding the plant's rated capacity), if PLN chooses to take power beyond the agreed CE and AF, taking into account the relevant power system's demand, it will be only be required to pay a price which does not exceed 80% of the tariff under the PPA.15
To optimize utilization of operational plants, PLN may also choose to purchase electricity in excess of the rated capacity of a plant if the electricity price is the lowest available and there is demand on the grid (which we understand would prioritise the lowest cost power plants), up to an amount not exceeding 30% of the CE or AF (as applicable).
While the above mechanisms would put some limits on the "upside" which can be generated by sponsors in the context of projects that are dispatched in excess of their expected levels, we would assume that the base case financial model assumptions for the projects would be to receive tariff payments for amounts not exceeding the CE or AF (as applicable), and that this would not, therefore, adversely affect the bankability of the projects. Indeed, current intermittent renewable energy PPAs already have concepts of maximum contracted energy (usually assessed over a year) above which PLN is not required to purchase electricity, so the above mechanism seems consistent with the current practice (assuming it is given effect to on the same terms).
We would note that – while existing renewable PLN PPAs are generally grandfathered from the provisions of MEMR 5/2025, MEMR 5/2025 contemplates that provisions relating to the purchase of excess energy based on the abovementioned terms could be included in existing PPAs, so holders of existing renewable PPAs may receive requests from PLN to this effect.16
Under MEMR 5/2025, IPPs may be liable to performance liquidated damages based on AF, CE, Performance Ratio and/or other technical criteria outlined in the PPA.17
We would expect that, as has been the PLN PPA practice over the past years, the performance of each IPP is assessed differently depending on its technology. In particular, while the drafting of the regulation sometimes only refers to CE or AF based penalties (as opposed to Performance Ratio based penalties), we assume that the intention is to follow current practice such that, for instance, for solar and wind projects, the assessment of performance would be based on the energy that could have been generated based on the expected performance ratio at the various actual irradiation levels or wind speeds. We also assume the caps on the penalty amounts would continue to apply as has been PLN's consistent practice.
One departure from previous practice under MEMR 5/2025 is that the penalties for run-of-river hydroelectric, solar, wind and tidal energy power plants is calculated by accumulating the energy shortfall specified in the PPA over a period of one year.18 On most recent solar and wind PLN PPAs, the performance was assessed monthly. Having the assessment done on an annual basis instead – assuming the basis on which the assessment is done remains the same and that a cap continues to apply – could be beneficial to projects so as to allow them to smooth over months of lower productivity, as is more typically the case on PLN run of river PPAs.
While MEMR 5/2025 does not expressly deal with the allocation of Government risks and changes in law (as was the case of MEMR 10/2017 in its amended form), Article 28(2) seems to allow for tariff adjustments due to changes in tax, environmental obligations, non-tax State revenue, and "other terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties in the PPA" which could include general changes in law. However, we understand from a reading of Article 28(3) that this now includes a cap on the revised tariff (to the relevant ceiling tariff applicable to the project given its technology, capacity and location) following the tariff adjustment such that a further approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources would be required if the adjusted tariff were to exceed the ceiling price cap.
If this were to be the case, this would adversely affect the usefulness of a tariff adjustment mechanism in the PPA as any agreement with PLN to adjust tariffs due to change in law may, in practice, require a further Government approval to be implemented.
With respect to force majeure relief, MEMR 5/2025 defines force majeure as situations beyond the control of the affected party, which include:19
a. war (whether declared or not) or civil war, |
b. natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, fires, floods, earthquakes, pandemics, epidemics, landslides, or other uncontrollable events, and |
c. the discovery of dangerous objects or historical artifacts at the power plant site or special facilities. |
We understand that, while this list is presented as being exhaustive, MEMR may, based on an evaluation of the affected party's request, recognize other force majeure events related to the technical implementation of the power plant project.20 Hopefully this will mean that the typical force majeure definition in PLN PPAs will continue to apply.
A significant headache for investors over recent years has been the restriction on pre-COD share transfers provided in MEMR 48/2017 which only allows for direct share transfers in an IPP to be made to a subsidiary which is more than 90% owned by the transferor, without a carve-out for lender enforcement of share security.
MEMR 5/2025 now specifically contemplates the possibility of a pre-COD share transfer to a lender, subject to PLN's prior approval "on condition that the implementation of the transfer to the lender does not reduce the qualifications of the sponsor".21
While the wording of MEMR 5/2025 is somewhat confusing (as it refers to share transfers and lender step-in rights, which are different concepts), we understand the intent is to provide that transfers by lenders under the finance documents would be permitted, on the condition that the transferee has similar capabilities to the current sponsor.
This is a helpful development. As MEMR 5/2025 is a subsequent and more specific legal instrument to MEMR 48/2017, we understand it would take precedence over the provisions of MEMR 48/2017 with respect to renewable projects, which should facilitate the structuring of share security for these projects going forward (although other issues relating to the process for enforcing Indonesian share security would remain relevant).
MEMR 5/2025 introduces a reference to the hotly-debated allocation of environmental attributes or the economic value of carbon reductions, which PLN has sought to claim the value of over the past few years through provisions of its form of PPAs after a period where this was unregulated and de facto rested with the IPPs which could optimize the revenue from the projects, and potentially offer a more competitive tariff as a result of that.
MEMR 5/2025 outlines the rights to environmental attributes or the economic value of carbon for renewable energy power plants, which at a minimum include:22
a. carbon credits; |
b. renewable energy certificates; |
c. green labels; |
d. other tradable rights; and |
e. benefits available or expected to be available from greenhouse gas emission reductions. |
Helpfully, the regulation does not set out a fixed position on this thorny issue and leaves to the regulator or, in the absence of regulatory requirements, the PPA to determine how these attributes should be allocated between the parties to the PPAs (PLN and the IPPs).23
In light of the increasing number of co-located intermittent renewable and energy storage projects in Indonesia, MEMR 5/2025 includes specific provisions setting out the treatment of these projects.
Specifically, it provides that if a renewable energy plant includes battery or other energy storage systems, the electricity transaction is based on the total energy recorded at the transaction point, which includes both energy from the plant and the stored energy, with these storage systems treated as an integral part of the plant.24 This is a helpful development and consistent with what we have seen for other co-located solar and BESS projects in Indonesia.
Provision is also made for the need to replace the energy storage systems that have reached the end of their lifespan, requiring the IPP to replace these with new facilities that meet or exceed the previous performance. The cost of replacing these energy storage systems is required to be borne by the IPP. This is consistent with general market practice (including in Indonesia) but will need to be factored into the initial financial model to ensure sufficient cashflows are available to undertake the replacement.
a. Performance Security: MEMR 5/2025 provides that the performance guarantees would be capped at 10% of the total project cost. While this reflects the current practice and fact that the value of the performance security is expressed as a maximum, with no minimum, hopefully this is an indication that for larger projects there may be more flexibility in terms of the amount of performance security to be provided (given 10% is potentially very significant and higher than what we see in other jurisdictions).
b. Liquidated Damages: Under MEMR 5/2025 the computation of the liquidated damages for delay in achieving COD is based on a percentage of the project cost for the project (such percentage to be determined based on the project),27 rather than (as has more usually been the practice for renewable PLN PPAs) the Local BPP rate. As the use of the Local BPP rate to compute delay liquidated damages resulted in a liquidated damages rate which is higher than in other regional jurisdictions (increasing overall project costs and tariffs), this additional flexibility should be a welcome development.
c. Refinancing: The regulation requires the PPA to address refinancing and allows refinancings to "optimise the implementation of electricity supply activities".28 This suggests that PLN will be looking to maximise the benefits from gains arising from a refinancing (though hopefully not to the exclusion of gains for the sponsors), though this will need to be negotiated in the PPA terms.
d. Use of local content: The regulation includes a limited reference to local content and the fact that renewable energy projects are to be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations on local content (please refer to our previous article here for an overview of the recently issued regulations on local content for public electricity infrastructure projects).29
The guidelines on content requirements for PPAs under MEMR 5/2025 will not apply to PPAs that have been signed or in respect of which bids have already been submitted before 4 March 2025, its enactment date, though note our comments above with respect to share security enforcement pre-COD. However, the new regulation would apply to any extension to any such PPAs.
By largely codifying the practices implemented in bankable PPAs by PLN into a renewable-specific regulation which recognises the different characteristics of renewable power projects – including among themselves – MEMR aims to provide greater clarity as to the legal regime intended to apply to them, including following the implementation of PR 112/2022.
The limited changes to the principles applicable to the PPAs (both in practice and based on the previous guidelines of MEMR 10/2017), including as concerns their duration and extension, the treatment of environmental attributes, and share transfers before COD, should all be welcome news to developers, investors and financiers.
While some ambiguity would need to be clarified in future rnewable PPAs on the points we have flagged in this article and that not all changes seem to be positive, as a whole MEMR 5/2025 appears to be a further sign of commitment of the GOI to its energy transition in a period of renewed global uncertainty around the pace of and irreversible nature of the transition. This message was further stressed during the socialization meeting of the new regulation which was organized by MEMR on 11 March 2025, and where senior representatives of the Government of Indonesia and PLN restated their objective to accelerate the development of renewable energy generation capacity over the next years, and suggested again that this would clearly be affirmed in the upcoming (and long-awaited) new PLN RUPTL.
Authors: Frédéric Draps, Partner / Foreign Legal Consultant; Jean-Louis Neves Mandelli, Partner; Alfred Ng, Partner and Indriyane Vera Natalia, Associate.
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This material is current as at 14 March 2025 but does not take into account any developments to the law after that date. It is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and in practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to, and does not constitute legal advice. The information provided is general in nature, and does not take into account and is not intended to apply to any specific issues or circumstances. Readers should take independent legal advice. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Ashurst. While we use reasonable skill and care in the preparation of this material, we accept no liability for use of and reliance upon it by any person.