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Low Carbon Pulse Edition 41

Insight Hero Image
  1. Change in publishing cycle of Low Carbon Pulse:
  2. Continued emphasis on the Burning Platform:
  3. Vale those lost:
  4. Balance of the content of this Edition 41:
  5. Legal, Policy Setting and Regulatory highlights, and Helpful Publications:
  6. Climate change reported and explained:
  7. Middle East including GCC Countries:
  8. Africa:
  9. India and Indonesia:
  10. Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK):
  11. PRC and Russia:
  12. Europe and UK:
  13. Americas:
  14. France and Germany:
  15. Australia:
  16. Blue and Green Carbon Initiatives and Biodiversity
  17. Bioenergy and heat-recovery:
  18. BESS and HESS (and energy storage, including CAES and PHES):
  19. Carbon Accounting, Carbon Capture and Carbon Capture and Use and CDR:
  20. E-fuels & feedstocks / Future Fuels & Feedstocks / Now Fuels & Feedstocks:
  21. Cities, Clusters, and Hubs and Corridors and Valleys, and Giga-Factories and HVDC:
  22. Green Metals / Minerals, Mining and Difficult to Decarbonise Industries:
  23. Wind round-up, on-shore and off-shore:
  24. Solar and Sustainability (including NZE Waste):
  25. Land Mobility / Transport:
  26. Ports Progress and Shipping Forecast:
  27. Airports and Aviation:

Click here to the Long Form Version of Edition 41, covering each news item in this Short Form Version in more detail, and other news items.

Click here for the First Compendium of Low Carbon Pulse (containing Editions 1 to 28, covering October 6, 2020 to October 5, 2021), here for the Second Compendium of Low Carbon Pulse (containing Editions 29 to 38, covering October 7, 2021 to March 31, 2022), and click here for the Third Compendium of Low Carbon Pulse (containing Editions 39 and 40 of Low Carbon Pulse, covering April and May 2022).

Change in publishing cycle of Low Carbon Pulse:

Having sought feedback from readers of Low Carbon Pulse delivered in PDF, there was overwhelming support for a switch to publication of Low Carbon Pulse on a weekly basis. While the level of engagement with Low Carbon Pulse continues to increase, feedback suggests that its length in monthly form can be daunting. At the end of each month, the editions of Low Carbon Pulse published during that month will be consolidated into a monthly digest. 

Continued emphasis on the Burning Platform:

The month of June has been a month in which there has been continued focus on the increased levels of GHG emissions in the climate system, and their impact, with both CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) levels subject to increasing focus (and, it has to be said, concern), and increasingly N2O (nitrous oxide) – the three well-mixed greenhouse gases.

  • The Bonn Climate Change Conference (BCCC) took place between June 6 and June 16, 2022, the first meeting of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) since COP-26.

    While progress was made on some matters, progress was not made on increased commitments to reduce GHG emissions (in the context of the global stocktake of commitments to reduce GHG emissions), funding commitments to developing countries to allow them to address the impacts of climate change, and compensation for loss and damage suffered by developing counties as a result of climate change.

    UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, Ms Patricia Espinosa stated: "Clearly, [implementation is needed] as rapidly as possible, and we need much more ambitious climate action. The global stocktake is a critical part of achieving both".

    Hopes were high before the BCCC (an intersessional conference) bridging COP-26 in Glasgow, Scotland (in November 2021) and COP-27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt (in November 2022). The good thing is that there is a clear sense of the work that needs to done in preparation for, and at COP-27, including as part of the global stocktake and to progress funding for adaptation and compensation for loss and damage.

    As reported, at the end of the BCCC Ms Patricia Espinosa was presented with a t-shirt sporting the slogan:

    " "Science does not negotiate."

    Reaching a little further back: "The time abides for, tarries for no man, stays no man, tide nor time tarry for no man",  or as we have it now: "Time and tide wait for no one".
  • Stockholm+50: On June 2 and 3, 2022, the Stockholm+50 conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden, co-hosted by Kenya and Sweden. The Stockholm+50 conference marked the 50th anniversary of the world's first conference on the environment – United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, June 5 and 6, 1972, which gave rise to the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The agenda for the Stockholm+50 conference was Immediate action for people, planet and prosperity will create a better future for all. The agenda reflecting the perspective of a triple planetary crisis: climate, nature and pollution. On June 8, 2022, the Government Offices of Sweden published Stockholm agenda shows way forward following Stockholm+50
  • IPCC Bonn intersessional conference: From June 6 and June 16, 2022, the BCCC reviewed progress and prepared for COP-27, including the global stocktake in respect of GHG emissions: the global stocktake provides of the exchange of information among countries and stakeholders in the context of achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. The global stocktake allows each country to take stock on its nationally determined contribution (NDC). (For context, the BCCC was the 56th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (part of the UNFCCC.) The ever-excellent (under Bonn climate talks: Key outcomes from June 2022 UN climate conference), provides a more detailed summary of the outcomes from the BCCC.
  • Nairobi Conference – Fourth meeting of the open-ended group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: From June 21 to June 26, 2022, a group of experts met in Nairobi, Kenya, to prepare a series of six science briefs to provide scientific support for the negotiations of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The work done at the Nairobi Conference will inform Part 2 of the 15th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • The 48th G7 Summit took place between June 26 and June 28, 2022 in Schloss Elmau, Krün, Bavaria, Germany. Attached is a link to the communique from G7 Summit.

    Among other things, the communique covers the endorsement of an open and cooperative Climate Club (G7 statement on Climate Club), and working towards its establishment by the end of 2022. In this context, the G7 commits to drive urgent, ambitious and inclusive action to align with 1.5OC pathways and to accelerate implementation of the Paris Agreement, with a commitment to a "highly decarbonised" road transport sector by 2030, and a "fully or predominantly decarbonised" power sector by 2035. In addition, through the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure, the G7 commits to mobilise USD 600 billion over the coming five years to narrow the global investment gap, stepping-up cooperation globally, including through working for Just Energy Transition Partnerships with India, Indonesia, Senegal and Vietnam, and building on the existing Partnership with South Africa.
  • The World Urban Forum was held in Katowice, Poland from June 26 to 30, 2022. The World Urban Forum is held every two years under the auspices of, and convened by, the UN Human Settlements Programme. The World Urban Forum supports the implementation of SDG 11 – making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Attached is a link to the communique from World Urban Forum.
  • UN Ocean Conference 2022 took place between June 27 to July 1, in Lisbon, Portugal, co-hosted by Kenya and Portugal. The UN Ocean Conference is the second UN Conference to Support the Implementation of SDG 14. Attached is a link to the communique from UN Ocean Conference.

Vale those lost:

Our continued condolences for those lost in the conflict in Ukraine, and safe-haven for those displaced.

Balance of the content of this Edition 41:

Page 4 to 8
Legal, Policy Setting and Regulatory highlights
Page 26
Carbon Credits, Hydrogen Markets and Trading
Pages 8 to 9
Climate change reported and explained
Pages 27 to 29
E-fuels / Future Fuels / Now Fuels
Pages 9 to 10
Middle East including GCC Countries
Page 30 to 31
Cities, Clusters, and Hubs and Corridors and Valleys, and Giga-Factories
Pages 11 to 14
Africa, India and Indonesia; Japan & ROK
Page 31 to 33Green Metals / Minerals, Mining and Difficult to Decarbonise Industries
Pages 14
PRC and Russia
Page 33 to 37
Wind round-up, on-shore and off-shore
Pages 14 to 18
Europe and UK; and Americas
Page 38 to 41
Solar, Sustainability and NZE Waste
Pages 18 to 19
France and Germany; and Australia
Pages 41 to 43
Land Mobility / Transport
Page 20 to 24
Blue Green Carbon Initiatives & Biodiversity
Page 43 to 50 Ports Progress and Shipping Forecast; Airports and Aviation
Page 22 to 23
Bioenergy and heat-recovery
Pages 51 to 52
Reference Materials
Page 23 to Page 24
BESS and HESS (and other energy storage)Page 45 to 46NZE Publications
 Page 24 to Page 26Carbon Accounting, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture and Use and CDR 

Legal, Policy Setting and Regulatory highlights, and Helpful Publications:

European Parliament on CBAM:

On June 22, 2022, the European Parliament adopted its position on the regulation to establish CBAM. The position of the European Parliament is that additional products should be added to products proposed the European Commission in July 2021 (as part of the Fit-for-55 package), the original products being aluminium, cement, fertilisers, iron and steel, and electrical energy production. The additional products that the European Parliament wants CBAM to cover are ammonia, hydrogen, organic chemicals and plastics. In addition, the European Parliament wants CBAM to include indirect emissions arising from the production of products, i.e., emissions arising from electrical and heat energy used to manufacture those products. 

For a full description of the position of the European Parliament click on the following link under CBAM: Parliament pushes for higher ambition in new carbon leakage instrument

European Parliament locks-in ban on sale of new diesel and motor spirit cars from 2035:

Early on the morning of June 28, 2022, Environment and Climate Change Ministers from the European Union's 27-Member States "agreed to introduce a 100% CO2 emissions reduction target by 2035 for new cars and vans", accommodating the position of Germany to allow the use of "CO2 neutral fuels". This agreed position must be considered by the European Parliament

European Parliament locks in shipping and aviation into the EU ETS:

In addition, to progress on CBAM and motor-cars and vans, the European Parliament voted to extend the application of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to all ships having a gross tonnage above 400 metric tonnes and all off-shore vessels. What this means is that each metric tonne of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions arising from those ships will have to be matched by the requisite number of permits under the EU ETS. The European Community Shipowners' Association is reported to have welcomed the vote of the European Parliament in respect of the package.

DNV Hydrogen Forecast:

On June 14, 2022, DNV published Hydrogen Forecast to 2050 – Energy Transition Outlook 2022. The DNV publication is excellent, and, for those interested in the interface between policy settings and the development of hydrogen production capacity, compulsory reading. The DNV publication provides a practical and realistic assessment of the progress towards the development of hydrogen production capacity, and its use, at levels consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

REN21 report:

On June 15, 2022, the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st century or REN21 (comprising Governments, Industry Associations, Inter-governmental organisations, NGOs and Science) published Renewables 2022 Global Status Report (GSR), with the titled by-line: "Record growth in renewables, but world missed historic chance for a clean energy recovery". While the entirety of the GSR well-worth a read, the author commends folk to find the time to read the Key Messages for Decision Makers.

Council and European Parliament reach provisional agreement:

On June 21, 2022, the European Council and the European Parliament reached a provision political agreement on the corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD), which is covered fully under New Rules on corporate sustainability reporting: provisional political agreement between the Council and European Parliament). This political agreement looks to amend the 2014 non-financial reporting directive. As proposed, more detailed reporting requirements will be required, and ensures that larger corporations are required to report on sustainability issues.

European Commission proposes legislation to address degradation:

On June 21, 2022, the European Commission (EC) outlined its proposal for a Nature Restoration Law (fully titled Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on nature restoration). 

New Ember report published:

On June 22, 2022, Ember published New Generation – Building a clean European electricity system by 2035. As always from Ember, the publication is well-worth a read, both for those active in the European market, and those active in markets globally.

BP publishes Statistical Review of World Energy:

On June 28, 2022, bp (leading international energy corporation published the bp Statistical Review 2022, which is accompanied by a seven page summary of interesting facts and stats. 

Climate change reported and explained:

CO2 at highest levels since well-before first hominids first walked:

During the first week of June, a number of news outlets reported that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is at its highest level since the first hominids first walked, and 50% higher than at the start of the pre-industrial era. 

Stated another way: the current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are at the highest they have been for between 4 and 4.5 million years (in an epoch named the Pilocene). 

Stated another way still: in the words of NOAA Administrator, Mr Rick Spinrad, "The science is irrefutable: humans are altering our climate [system] in ways that our economy and our infrastructure must adapt [in response] to". 

Another month, another graph:

As reported in previous editions of Low Carbon Pulse, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), among other things, tracks the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. The graph below was published by the NOAA at the start of June. 

The graph showing 'Record levels of CO2 observed at Mauna Loa Observatory' was published by the NOAA at the start of June.  

Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway:

On June 17, 2022, the EU and the US released a media note. The media note stated that on June 17, 2022, the EU and the US, and 10 other countries launched the Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway to catalyse CH4 emissions in the oil and gas sector, advancing both climate progress and energy security. The Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway represents progress to give effect to the Global Methane Pledge. The Pathway aims to encourage all countries: 1. To capture the maximum potential of cost-effective methane mitigation in the oil and gas sector, and 2. To eliminate routine flaring as soon as possible, and not later than 2030.

The first movers committing to the Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway are: Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria and Oman, along with the EU and the US

The national oil company of Malaysia Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) is stated to support the Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway

Middle East including GCC Countries:

Consortium to develop Green Hydrogen Facility at KIZAD:

On June 10, 2022, it was reported widely that Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Korea Western Power, Samsung C&T, and UAE corporation, Petrolyn Chemie had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to provide a framework of the development of a USD 1 billion Green Hydrogen production facility in the Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD). 

Saudi Arabian Mining Company to by steam:

On June 2, 2022, it was reported that the Saudi Arabian Mining Company is to purchase steam from GlassPoint, the steam produced using electrical energy sourced from 1.5 GW of photovoltaic solar installed capacity. 

Masdar commits to Azerbaijan:

On June 5, 2022, Masdar announced that it had signed an agreement to develop 4 GW of clean and renewable energy projects (Mega-Projects) with the Republic of Azerbaijan, with the right to develop an additional 6 GW as a second phase. For the purposes of the 4 GW first phase, Masdar signed two implementation agreements, one in respect of 1 GW of on-shore wind farms and 1 GW of photovoltaic solar farms, the second in respect of the integrated development of a 2 GW off-shore wind field.

Saudi Aramco to invest in 12 GW of renewables by 2030:

On June 16, 2022, reported that Saudi Aramco is to invest in the development and deployment of 12 GW of photovoltaic solar and wind capacity by 2030

IRENA partners with Masdar and Abu Dhabi Fund for Development:

On June 16, 2022, IRENA announced that it had strengthened its partnerships with Masdar and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), by signing documents with both. The Letter of Intent with Masdar provides a framework for Masdar to invest equity and to provide technical advice in respect of renewable energy projects. The agreement with ADFD formalises the anchor investment of the ADFD (USD 400 million) in the IRENA Energy Transition Financing (ETAF) initiative. 

UAE to invest further USD 50 billion:

On June 18, 2022, reported that the President of the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, had announced on June 17, 2022, that the UAE plans to invest an additional USD 50 billion to scale up climate action within the UAE and overseas. 

Aramco publishes inaugural sustainability report:

On June 20, 2022, Aramco published its inaugural sustainability report Energy security in a sustainable world. The title of the report speaks to the prevailing mind-set globally. The author commends the report to readers of Low Carbon Pulse. 

Abu Dhabi developing hydrogen policy package:

On June 20, 2022, reported that the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy (DoE) is developing a hydrogen strategy and hydrogen policy settings, together with a licensing regime, and regulations and standards, to allow the development of the hydrogen industry in Abu Dhabi. Future editions of Low Carbon Pulse will cover the hydrogen strategy and hydrogen policy settings.

Oman and the Netherlands meet to progress hydrogen value chain:

On June 23, 2022, reported that Oman and the Netherlands are progressing discussions to formalise cooperation in Green Hydrogen production and transportation, logistics and port infrastructure development, including establishing joint ventures for these purposes. 

OPAZ signs lease for the ACME and Scatec project:

On June 24, 2022, reported that the Oman Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ) had signed a land lease with Green Hydrogen and Chemicals Company (a joint venture vehicle of ACME and Scatec) to develop the first phase of the USD 2 billion Green Hydrogen and Ammonia facilities.

UAE and Germany continue high level engagement:

On June 27, 2022, it was reported widely that Government teams from the UAE and the German Federal Government were holding further meetings during the week-beginning June 27, 2022, this time Germany. Editions 37 or 39 of Low Carbon Pulse reported on earlier meetings. 

Alpha knows better:

On June 27, 2022, reported that Alpha Dhabi Holding subsidiary, W Solar Investment, and the General Electricity Company of Libya (Gecol) had signed a memorandum of understanding under which W Solar Investment is to develop a 2 GW photovoltaic solar facility in Libya


Angola and German Green Hydrogen and Ammonia:

On June 15, 2022, Reuters reported that Angola was set to be the first supplier of Green Hydrogen to Germany. In context, on June 15, 2022, Sonangol signed a letter of intent with two German corporations for the production and export of 280,00 metric tonnes a year of Green Ammonia by 2024.

Egypt and EU Partnership centred around clean energy transition:

On June 16, 2022, Egypt and the EU released a joint statement marking the meeting in Cairo, Egypt, between Egyptian President, Mr El Sisi, and EU Commission President, Ms Ursula von der Leyen. The joint statement addresses climate, energy and green transition, which reflects that the EU and Egypt are to work together to implement the Paris Agreement

African Energy Outlook:

As noted above, on June 20, 2022, the IEA published Africa Energy Outlook 2022 – World Energy Outlook Special Report (AEO). The AEO provides an excellent overview of the energy resources of Africa, noting the vast natural gas resources, and the potential for Africa to develop bioenergy, hydro-electric power, photovoltaic solar, and the importance of the role of Africa as a source of critical metals and minerals. 

Electrification in Africa:

Previous editions of Low Carbon Pulse have covered the levels of electrification in Africa. 

The AEO provides the most recent analysis – 600 million people in Africa do not have access to electricity, and over 1 billion people do not have clean-cooking facilities. USD 25 billion a year of investment is required to progress towards 100% electrification and clean-cooking facilities by 2030.

ACWA Power to develop 1.1 GW on-shore wind project in Egypt:

On June 22, 2022, it was reported widely that a consortium, comprising ACWA Power and Hassan Allam, had agreed with the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company to develop a 1.1 GW on-shore wind project in Egypt.

India and Indonesia:

India's first Green Hydrogen refuelling station:

On June 13, 2022, reported that NTPC Limited had contracted with Amara Raja Power Systems to develop and to deploy India's first Green Hydrogen refuelling station in Leh, in the Ladakh union territory. As reported, NTPC is to deploy five buses, using fuel-cell technology using Green Hydrogen to power and to propel those buses. 

Assam on the tee:

On June 13, 2020, The Economic Times reported NLC is to develop and to deploy a 1 GW photovoltaic solar farm in the state of Assam in joint venture with the state Government of Assam. The state Government of Assam will host the 1 GW photovoltaic solar farm on approximately 1,250 hectares of state land. 

Adani and TotalEnergies to create Green Hydrogen giant:

On June 14, 2022, TotalEnergies announced that Adani Enterprises Limited (AEL) and it had entered into an agreement under which TotalEnergies would acquire a 25% interest in Adani New Industries Limited (ANIL). ANIL is to target the production of 1 million metric tonnes of Green Hydrogen a year by 2030, requiring the development of up to 30 GW of renewable electrical energy generation capacity.

Azure Powers to giga-factory development:

On June 15, 2022, reported that Azure Power had agreed with Premier Energies to invest in the development of a 1.2 GW mono PERC cell and module production facility in the state of Telangana

Floating solar in state of Kerala:

On June 24 and 25, 2022, it was reported widely that NTPC Limited's 92 MW floating photovoltaic solar facility at Kayamkulam is operating. The photovoltaic solar arrays comprising the Kayamkulam facility have been deployed on reservoirs that are owned by NTPC Limited's Rajiv Gandhi gas-fired power station.

India Hydrogen Alliance (IHA) presents 25/25 National Green Hydrogen Hub Development Plan (25/25 Plan):

On June 30, 2022, reported that the IHA had presented its 25/25 Plan to the Ministry of New Renewable Energy and NITI Aayog. As the title suggests, the 25/25 Plan outlines a plan to develop 25 National Green Hydrogen Projects, and five National Hydrogen Hubs, by 2025. As presented, the National Hydrogen Hubs are to be developed in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra

India Hydrogen Alliance – May 2022:

Attached is the link to the May edition of India H2 Monitor – May 2022. The link to the June edition will be attached in the next edition of Low Carbon Pulse when available. As noted in previous editions of Low Carbon Pulse, we intend to include the link rather than repeat the content of the India H2 Monitor. (The India H2 Monitor tends to be published three to five days after the end of each calendar month, and as such is not published when we publish Low Carbon Pulse – within two days after the end of each calendar month.)

Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK):

ROK tendering 2 GW of photovoltaic solar:

On June 14, 2022, reported that the ROK Energy Agency had launched the first of two tenders for photovoltaic solar capacity that it intends to run during 2022. As reported, the Energy Agency intends to allocate 2 GW across four categories of project: less than 100 kW; 100 kW to 500 kW, 500 kW to 3 MW, and over 3 MW. The projects that are successful in the tender will be awarded 20 year contracts under ROK's renewable energy certificate (REC) scheme. 

Air Liquide Korea, Lotte Chemical and SK Gas signed strategically:

Over the weekend of June 18 and 19, 2022, it was reported widely that SK Gas, Lotte Chemical and Air Liquide Korea had agree on June 16, 2022, to establish a joint venture for power generation using by-product hydrogen and hydrogen-powered transportation. 

Covestro, Neste and SK geo centric coalesce:

On June 20, 2022, Neste announced that it was working with Covestro and SK geo centric to produce a feedstock to produce polyurethane from "raw material based on renewable raw materials via mass balance". 

LG Chem create CO2 "circulation system":

On June 20, 2022, reported that LG Chemical had announced the development of a plant to produce 50,000 metric tonnes of hydrogen a year, at Daesan, South Korea

ROK and US cooperate on hydrogen safety:

On June 23, 2022, reported that the ROK, Korean Gas Safety Corporation, and the US, American Academy of Chemical Engineers' Center for Hydrogen Safety, had signed a memorandum of understanding under which each organisation is to exchange information with the other about hydrogen safety, including accidents and best practices, with each to educate and to promote hydrogen safety. 

Japan to increase rate of off-shore wind field installation:

On June 24, 2022, reported that draft rules were released on June 23, 2022 intended to increase wider competition for the development of off-shore wind fields, and to limit the ability of a single bidder "to win multiple projects in one fell swoop". 

PRC and Russia:

PRC pumping:

On June 14, 2022, The Straits Times reported (under China's massive hydro energy storage goals may be getting bigger) that the largest dam builder in the PRC is seeking to develop hydro-energy storage or pumped storage facilities. Chair of Power Construction Corp of China, Mr Ding Zanzhang, is reported to have indicated that the PRC is to construct more than 200 pumped storage facilities (having a combined generation capacity of 270 GW) with construction on all of them starting by 2025.

PRC port refuelling:

On June 27, 2022, reported that China's first port-based hydrogen refuelling station had commenced operation at Qingdao Port. Shandong Port Group (of which Qingdao Port is part) is reported as planning to develop three hydrogen refuelling stations, a hydrogen powered energy supply system, and 10 hydrogen-powered gantry cranes in port areas over the coming three to four years. 

PRC photovoltaic solar revolution:

On June 30, 2022, it was reported widely that in 2021 of the 54.9 GW of photovoltaic solar capacity installed in the PRC, 21.6 GW was residential roof-top photovoltaic solar.

Europe and UK:

FlightPath to the Future:

On May 26, 2022, the UK Department of Transport announced a new policy setting for the aviation sector, Flightpath to the Future. The Flightpath to the Future has a ten-point plan for the future of aviation.

First carbon storage licensing round:

On June 14, 2022, the North Sea Transition Authority launched the first carbon storage licensing round with 13 areas available, located off the coasts of Aberdeen, Lincolnshire, Liverpool and Teesside, being either saline aquifers or depleted oil and gas fields.

Scotland's role in Europe:

On June 20, 2022, published an editorial on the development of the Scotland to Germany Green Hydrogen trade opportunities, noting that the Scot2Ger initiative builds on the work of Scottish Enterprise earlier in 2021. 

Finland to establish national hydrogen network:

On June 23, 2022, it was reported widely that Finland is to establish a national hydrogen network. For these purposes the Government of Finland has mandated Gasgrid Finland Oy to develop hydrogen transmission infrastructure, and to develop a hydrogen market in Finland. 

UK Government releases draft CCS network code indicative HoT:

On June 24, 2022, the UK Government released the draft Carbon Capture, usage and storage (CCUS): business models, together with an explanatory note

Shell to join VindØ consortium:

On June 21, 2022, reported that Shell had signed a letter of intent to join the VindØ consortium comprising Andel, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and PensionDanmark, PFA in the development of Denmark's first energy / power island. 

All is well in the Kingdom of Denmark and getting better:

On June 24, 2022, the Danish Parliament reached political agreement to accelerate the development of renewable energy, critically, the development and deployment of 20.5 GW of off-shore wind field capacity by 2040


Notice of Intent to fund clean hydrogen hubs:

On June 6, 2022, the US Department of Energy (DOE) published a Notice of Intent to fund the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIAJA) also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). 

US Secretary of Energy, Ms Jennifer Granholm stated: "Hydrogen energy has the power to slash emissions from multiple carbon-intensive sectors and open a world of economic opportunity to clean energy businesses workers across the country. These hydrogen hubs will make significant progress towards President Biden's vision for a resilient grid that is powered by clean energy and built by American workers".

Working Paper – pathway to 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2035:

On June 10, 2022, the published a working paper, Canada's Path to 100% zero-emission light-duty vehicle sales: regulatory options and greenhouse gas impacts.

The working paper provides a Baseline Scenario (reflective of current policy settings in Canada) and three Alternative Scenarios, 1. under which 50% of sales by 2030 are of electric vehicles, 2. under which 61% of sales by 2030 are electric vehicles, and 3. under which by 2035 plug-in hybrid vehicles are to be phased-out.

The working paper notes that none of the Scenarios is consistent with achieving the economy-wide GHG reduction target of 40% to 45% by 2030. The economy-side finding is salutary and telling. 

Heat Pump Breakthrough:

On June 17, 2022, the US Department of Energy (DOE) announced a breakthrough in technology for next-generation electric heat pumps, with DOE and Lennox International to partner to develop cold climate heat pumps (CCHPs).

US Eastern States partner with Federal Government:

On June 24, 2022, it was reported widely that the Biden Administration and the State Governors of 11 US east-coast States had launched a Federal-State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership

France and Germany:

German two percent rule:

On June 15, 2022, reported that as part of draft legislation, the Federal German Government plans to achieve acceleration of the energy transition by requiring two percent of the land mass of Germany to be dedicated to the production of renewable electrical energy

The new legislation is reported as likely to be passed in July 2022, before the start of the summer recess. This initiative is consistent with the doubling of on-shore wind farm capacity to 115 GW by 2030, requiring an additional 10 GW a year from 2025.

German hydrogen supply and demand:

On June 21, 2022, Guidehouse published Imports will be a cornerstone for Meeting Germany's Hydrogen Demand. The Guidehouse report was prepared for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The report is insightful, providing practical perspectives.

Air Liquide and Siemens Energy:

On June 24, 2022, it was reported widely that Air Liquide and Siemens Energy are to work together in joint venture so as to be able to accelerate the manufacturing capacity of proton exchange electrolysers. Air Liquide and Siemens Energy will be able to achieve scale across the Green Hydrogen projects that each has in its portfolio. 

Chile and Germany alignment:

On June 29, 2022, Chile and Germany signed a letter of intent to develop a bi-lateral alliance for hydrogen production and trade.

German demand for heat pumps defined and scoped:

On June 30, 2022, the German Federal Government stated that by 2024 500,000 heat pumps a year would be required to be manufactured for installation across Germany. This provides a clear signal to German industry of the scope and scale of demand.


NSW to fast-track the development of NSW Renewable Energy Zones:

On June 10, 2022, the New South Wales Government announced its intention to fast-track the development of the Renewable Energy Zones (REZs), to provide funding support for augmentation / development of the transmission network (with the funding to be sourced from a new Transmission Acceleration Facility), and to develop BESS capacity (including the Warratah Super Battery). 

QLD study funding support:

On June 13, 2022, reported that on June 10, 2022, the Queensland Government had allocated AUD 35 million (USD 24.5 million) in respect of a study to identify a site for a second pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) plant.

Australia increases its NDC to 43%:

On June 16, 2022, the Australian Federal Government submitted a revised nationally determined contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, committing Australia to reduce GHG emissions by 43% by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, a 15% to 17% increase in Australia's previous NDC of a 26% to 28% reduction. The revised NDC is most welcome, bringing Australia alongside other developed economies.

Western Australia states its determined contribution:

On June 22, 2022, the State of Western Australia announced that Western Australian State Government agencies will be required to reduce their GHG emissions to 80% below 2020 levels by 2030

Australian-German Hydrogen Taskforce white paper:

On June 24, 2022, the Australian-German Hydrogen Taskforce published its White Paper together with a 10-point action plan (or possibly characterised as a 10 point description) entitled Green Hydrogen Task ForceWhite Paper and 10 Point Action Plan.

Blue and Green Carbon Initiatives and Biodiversity

World Bank supports mangrove conversation and restoration in Indonesia:

On June 7, 2022, The World Bank announced its support for projects to conserve and to restore mangrove growth in Indonesia, under The Mangrove for Coastal Resilience Project. The Project is stated to "focus on strengthening the policy and institutions for mangrove management and rehabilitation, promoting sustainable mangrove management, as well as improving the livelihood opportunities for Indonesian coastal communities living around mangrove forests".

Sustainability strategy without biodiversity is incomplete:

On June 21, 2022, published an excellent article Seeing the forest for the trees: Why an environmental sustainability strategy without biodiversity is incomplete. The article provides a compelling narrative of the criticality of biodiversity to the world economy, a value "often overlooked", in particular in the context of the focus on GHG emission reductions.

"Climate Change and biodiversity loss are two sides of the same coin; they're intertwined through mechanistic links and feedbacks … Climate change exacerbates risks to biodiversity, while ecosystems and their biodiversity are key for climate mitigation and adaptation".

Bioenergy and heat-recovery:

Clariant clutched straw:

On June 14, 2022, Clariant announced that it had begun production at its sunliquid® cellulosicethanol facility in Podari, Romania, of second-generation biofuel using feedstock sourced from agricultural residues. The biofuel produced at the Pordari facility is to be off-taken by Shell. 

Cargill opens biodiesel plant:

On June 21, 2022, it was reported widely that Cargill had opened a biodiesel plant, located in Ghent, Belgium. The biodiesel plant processes waste fats and oils, with the biodiesel intended to be used in the transportation industry. As reported, the plant will produce up to 115,000 metric tonnes of biodiesel a year.

Hazer Group Woodman Point Project progressed:

On June 28, 2022, Hazer Group Limited announced that it had completed construction and commissioning of its Commercial Demonstration Plant at Woodman Point, Western Australia. The Commercial Demonstration Plant, using the Hazer Process (involving methane pyrolysis), processes biogas derived and produced from waste water at the Woodman Point Water Recovery Facility to produce graphite and turquoise hydrogen.

BESS and HESS (and energy storage, including CAES and PHES):

CAES connected to grid in the PRC:

On June 1, 2022, reported that a 300 MWh CAES had been connected to the grid in Jiangsu, the PRC.

US DOE provides USD 504.4 million loan guarantee:

On June 8, 2022, the DOE announced that it had provided the loan guarantee. The loan guarantee was key to allowing financial close to allow the development of the Advanced Clean Energy Storage (ACES) project in Delta, Utah. The ACES project will have 150 GWh of energy storage capacity, making it the largest HESS project globally.

On June 9, 2022, Haddington Ventures announced the USD 650 million equity syndication program to provide finance for the ACES project. As announced, the equity investors are Alberta Investment Management Corporation, GIC, Manulife Financial Corporation and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board.

CO2 battery storage:

On June 8, 2022, reported that Energy Dome had announced that it was to launch the first CO2 battery storage (CO2 Battery) in Sardinia, Italy. As reported, the CO2 Battery uses CO2 to store renewable electrical energy on the grid.

Spain Big BESS Tender:

On June 10, 2022, Spain's Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge announced plans to commence a tender process for up to 5.85 MW of renewable energy and BESS capacity to access the grid at 17 nodes. 

Bluestone and GIG energised:

On June 14, 2022, it was reported that Bluestone Energy Ltd and Green Investment Group are to work together to develop and to deploy 2 GW of BESS projects across the UK. As reported, Blue Energy and GIG are already working together on the development of 970 MW of BESS projects. 

Edify achieves financial close:

On June 14, 2022, Edify Energy announced that financial close had been achieved in respect of 150 MW / 300 MWh of BESS projects (across three BESS sites). The BESS projects have off-take agreements in place with EnergyAustralia and Shell Energy.

NREL maps PHES potential:

The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has developed an interactive map identifying potential pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) sites in the US. As reported, the US has 43 PHES plants, with combined capacity of 23 GW. NREL has assessed potential for 3.5 TW of new PHES capacity. The NREL report on PHES potential is well-worth a read. 

Sembcorp Industries to BOO BESS at Jurong Island:

On June 15, 2022, theedgesingapore reported that the Energy Market Authority of Singapore had appointed Sembcorp Industries (wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Utilities) to build, own and operate a 200 MW / 200 MWh BESS on Jurong Island, Singapore

Europe's need for energy storage:

On June 20, 2022, the European Association of Energy Storage (EASE) published Energy Storage Targets 2030 and 2050. As might be expected, the headline from the report is that by 2030 Europe needs to have installed 187 GW of energy storage capacity and by 2050 600 GW. The report is well-worth a read, providing an assessment of the energy storage solutions that are likely to make up the 187 GW of energy storage capacity by 2030.

Carbon Accounting, Carbon Capture and Carbon Capture and Use and CDR:

Ørsted CCS plans at Asnæs and Avedore:

On June 13, 2022, published a piece entitled Ørsted to capture and store 400,000 tonnes of carbon in 2025. Previous editions of Low Carbon Pulse have covered Ørsted's wood-chip-fired Asnæs Power Station, in Kalundborg, and the straw-fired-boiler at its Avedore Power Station in Greater Copenhagen. 

Neptune Energy progressing with CCS at L 10:

On June 20, 2022, Neptune Energy announced that it had signed a cooperation agreement with XTO Energy, Rosewood Exploration Ltd and EBN B.V to develop L 10.

CNNOC CCS commissioned:

On June 23, 2022, reported that the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOCC) had commissioned the first offshore carbon capture and storage project to store CO2 permanently below the seabed.

CCS / CCUS commences in Cheshire:

On June 24, 2022, reported that Tata Chemicals Europe (TCE) is to commence capturing CO2 from a co-generation plant with the CO2 captured (up to 40,000 metric tonnes a year) to be used in the manufacture of products. The TCE carbon capture facility is reported to be the first industrial-scale carbon capture facility in the UK.

CNOOC combines with ExxonMobil and Shell:

On June 28, 2022, it was reported widely that CNOOC, ExxonMobil and Shell are to develop jointly a CCS project in Guangdong Province, the PRC

Shell announced that it had signed a memorandum of understanding with CNOCC, Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission and ExxonMobil to explore the feasibility of developing a carbon capture and storage hub in the Daya Bay National Economic and Technological Development Zone in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, the PRC

In addition, Shell published Achieving A Carbon-Neutral Energy System in China by 2060. The publication is divided into three sections: Section One: Achieving a Net-Zero CO2 Energy System by 2060; Section Two: China's Energy System in 2060; and Section Three: Making Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality

Equinor and Fluxys progressing to CCS in North Sea:

On June 29, 2022, it was reported widely that Equinor and Fluxys are to work together to provide CCS solutions for the North-West European market. 

DAC technologies assessed:

On June 29, 2022, NREL made a news release Scientists Look to the Sky in Effort To Mitigate Carbon Problem. The news release from NREL is well-worth a read, providing a high-level assessment of solvent- based and sorbent-based DAC technologies.

E-fuels & feedstocks / Future Fuels & Feedstocks / Now Fuels & Feedstocks:

Plug Power plugs Port of Antwerp-Bruges concession:

On June 13, 2022, released a piece on the execution by Plug Power and the Port of Antwerp-Burges of a 30 year concession agreement to develop and to deploy a 100 MW Green Hydrogen production facility, using Plug Power PEM electrolysers, to produce up to 35 metric tonnes daily, and up to 12,500 metric tonnes annually, of Green Hydrogen. The Green Hydrogen production facility is to be located in the NextGen District of the Port, with first production expected in late 2024.

Neste and VTT to build power-to-liquids production facility:

On June 14, 2022, VTT announced that it and Neste, had agreed to develop a Power-to-X- to-liquids production facility, an E-Fuel pilot project. As announced, the pilot project will capture CO2, produce Green Hydrogen and E-Fuels.

AGL leading two feasibility studies on BESS:

On June 17, 2022, it was reported widely that AGL Energy Limited is undertaking feasibility studies in respect of two sites, one at its Liddell site, in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, and the other at Torrens Island, its site in South Australia. 

Tierra del Fuego wants to produce Green Hydrogen:

On June 16, 2022, Bloomberg reported that Tierra del Fuego wants to develop USD 6 billion Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia production facilities powered by renewable energy produced from its world class wind resources. 

CVX to invest USD 2.5 billion and Blue and Green Hydrogen:

On June 17, 2022, reported that at The Financial Times Hydrogen Summit, Mr Austin Knight (vice-president of hydrogen and Chevron New Energies) had indicated that CVX intends to invest USD 2 billion in "broader energy solutions with hydrogen and moving into clean hydrogen".

Southland Hydrogen – final partner selection:

On June 20, 2022, it was reported widely that Contact and Meridian Energy had selected Fortescue Future Industries or FFI and Woodside Energy Limited (WEL) for the purposes of the choice of partner to develop the largest Green Hydrogen production facility in Southland, New Zealand

OCI NV Project recast:

On June 15, 2022, it was reported widely that OCI NV had made a final investment decision to develop its ammonia receiving terminal in the precincts of the Port of Rotterdam. The final investment decision taken (in respect of phase 1) contemplates the development and deployment of more than 1.2 million metric tonnes a year. The reported thinking is to provide for scaling-up of production to allow production capacity to be increased to 3 million metric tonnes a year.

Linde, STT and YTL land in Singapore:

On June 22, 2022, reported that Linde and STT GDC (short for ST Telemedia Global Data Centers) and YTL Corporation are working together to assess the use of hydrogen in Singapore. 

EnBW and RWE JV:

On June 24, 2022, it was reported widely that RWE and EnBW intend to develop a 100 MW Green Hydrogen production facility at the port of Rostock, Germany. The Green Hydrogen production facility is part of the Hy Tech Hafen Rostock Project. 

Neste builds out at the Port of Rotterdam:

On June 28, 2022, it was reported widely that Neste Corporation had taken a final investment decision to expand its Future Fuels production capacity at the Port of Rotterdam by 1.3 million metric tonnes a year, nearly doubling its Future Fuels production capacity to 2.7 million metric tonnes

  • On June 28, 2022, Air Products announced that it and Gunvor Petroleum Rotterdam are planning to develop a hydrogen receiving terminal in the precincts of the Port of Rotterdam.

Gasunie starts construction of national hydrogen network:

On June 29, 2022, Gasunie announced that it had commenced construction of the national hydrogen network for the Netherlands, and, having constructed the network, that it will operate the network at the Transmission System Operator or TSO. 

Cities, Clusters, and Hubs and Corridors and Valleys, and Giga-Factories and HVDC:

BASQUEVOLT energised:

On June 10, 2022, reported that BASQUEVOLT had been launched. BASQUEVOLT is a €700 million initiative to manufacture solid-state batteries, with the intention to manufacture batteries with combined capacity of 10 GWh by 2027. BASQUEVOLT is supported by the Basque Government, investors in it include CIE Automotive, EIT InnoEnergy, Enagás, and Iberdrola, each of which is a founding shareholder, together with CIC energiGUNE which is reported to have undertaken research, and to have reported on, BASQUEVOLT. 

Greece-Italy interconnector to be expand capacity:

On July 14, 2022, reported that Terna SpA is to invest €750 million (USD 783 million) to double the exchange capacity through the Greece-Italy interconnector. 

Green Metals / Minerals, Mining and Difficult to Decarbonise Industries:

Green Steel – a deeper dive:

On June 15, 2022, the good folk at (under Green steel moves a step closer to commercialisation with "first of its kind" hydrogen cavern storage) provided an excellent overview of Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology, or Hybrit, consortium. While Low Carbon Pulse has covered Hybrit more often than any other initiative or project, the article in rechargenews is well-worth a read because it covers Hybrit in detail, including the recent progress in respect of the HESS using caverns proximate the location of the fossil free iron and steel mill.

Two global leaders connect:

On June 15, 2022, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd announced that it is to work with Liebherr to develop green mining haul trucks, using zero-emission power system technology being development by FFI and Williams Advanced Engineering.

Mineral Security Partnership:

On June 14, 2022, the US and key partner countries announced the establishment of the Mineral Security Partnership (MSP). The purpose of the MSP is to ensure that critical minerals are mined and otherwise sourced, processed and recycled in a manner that supports the ability of countries to realise the economic benefit of their geological resources. As announced, MSP partner countries include Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the ROK, Sweden, the UK and the US, and the European Commission.

ArcelorMittal and RWE – off-shore to on-shore:

On June 22, 2022, RWE announced that it and ArcelorMittal had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to work together to develop and to deploy off-shore wind fields and hydrogen facilities to produce hydrogen for use by ArcelorMittal at its iron and steel mills in Germany. 

Wind round-up, on-shore and off-shore:

Ocean Winds seeks approval for 1.6 GW OWF project:

On June 3, 2022 it was reported widely that Ocean Winds is progressing with the first phase of the consultation process as part of the approval process for its proposed Réalt na Mara off-shore wind field project, off the coast of the Republic of Ireland

Ørsted Changhua County off-shore wind field projects progress:

On June 8, 2022, it was reported widely that the two 750 MW off-shore wind field projects (Xufeng-2 and Xufeng-3), off Changua County, Taiwan, were progressing as a result of the recommendation for approval of each Environmental Impact Statement (EIA) for each project. 

Cirio offshore:


2.5 GW off-shore wind field project down-under:

On June 10, 2022, it was reported widely that Corio Generation plans to develop a 2.5 GW off-shore wind field project 22 km off Wellington Shire, Gippsland, in the state of Victoria, Australia (Great Eastern Offshore Wind project).

Brazil fixed-bottoms - 5 GW off-shore wind project off Brazil:

On June 13, 2022, it was reported widely that Corio Generation plans to develop five fixed-bottom off-shore wind fields off the coast of Brazil. The five fixed bottom off-shore wind fields are reported to be at early stage development, having made applications for investigation licences, which are with the IBAMA (the Institute for Environment and Natural Resources).

Shell to be found in the Baltic Sea:

On June 13, 2022, Shell announced that Amber Baltic Wind Ltd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shell plc) had submitted proposals for new off-shore wind locations in the Polish sector of the Baltic Sea, as part of the Polish Government's current procurement process.

The Netherlands tethers tendering timelines:

On June 13, 2022, reported that the Government of the Netherlands had announced the tendering timelines for nine off-shore wind field projects ranging in installed capacity from 700 MW to 2 GW.

Denmark not tethered by previous targets:

On June 13, 2022, it was reported widely that the Danish Government had announced plans to increase the of-shore wind field capacity of Denmark by 2030: the plan is to increase the capacity by a further 4 GW by 2030, from 8.8 GW to 12.9 GW.

RWE and SGN look to water and wind:

On June 14, 2022, reported that RWE and SGN signed an memorandum of understanding (MoU) under which they will work together to investigate the production of Green Hydrogen for use to satisfy heating demand in Campbeltown, Oban, Stornoway, Thurso and Wick in Scotland. 

NZ Super Fund and CIP project NZ wind:

On June 14, 2022, reported that NZ Super Fund and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners or CIP are exploring the potential for the development of off-shore wind capacity off Aotearoa, New Zealand, off the South Taranaki coast, to support 1 GW of off-shore wind field capacity. 

Ocean Winds fixed on Brazil:

On June 15, 2022, it was reported widely that Ocean Winds (a 50:50 joint venture of Engie and EDP Renewables) plans to develop 15 GW.2 of off-shore wind field capacity off Brazil, and that for these purposes it had applied to IBAMA for approval to investigate five off-shore wind field areas. 

Studying Troll Field floating wind field:

On June 17, 2022, it was reported widely that Equinor was leading a study, working with Conocco Phillips, Petoro, Shell and TotalEnergies, to assess the feasibility of the development and deployment of a 1 GW off-shore floating wind field project, 65 km off-shore of Bergen, Norway (Trollvind project). 

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners obtains EBLs:

On June 20, 2022, CIP announced that it had been granted Electricity Business Licences for its three floating off-shore wind field projects offshore of Ulsan, South Korea, once installed having 1.5 GW of capacity.

Connection and transmission infrastructure:

On June 22, 2022, reported that Svenska Kraftnät intends to develop six offshore connection points off the Swedish coast between 2029 and 2035. The connection points will allow renewable electrical energy generated from 10 GW of off-shore wind field capacity to be accommodated into the grid in Sweden.

A Big Catch:

On June 27, 2022, it was reported widely that the Kellybegs Fisherman's Organisation Ltd and Sinbad Marine Services Ltd had signed a memorandum of understanding with Hexicon AB (Swedish headquartered off-shore wind and technology corporation) for the purposes of developing a 2 GW floating off-shore floating wind field to be located around 50 km off-shore of County Donegal, Republic of Ireland

Solar and Sustainability (including NZE Waste):

West Dunbartonshire Council, Scotland, gives green light on plastics-to-hydrogen:

On June 9, 2022, reported that West Dunbartonshire Council had approved the development of the UK's second plastics-to-hydrogen (P-to-H2) project. The P-to-H2 project comprises a 13,000 metric tonne facility that will derive sustainable hydrogen from non-recyclable plastics. 

Rio Tinto procuring 4 GW of renewables:

On June 8, 2022, Rio Tinto announced that it is seeking proposals to develop large-scale photovoltaic solar and wind in Central and Southern Queensland to power its Boyne smelter, Yarwun alumina refinery, and Queensland Alumina refinery, so as to allow it to achieve "its climate change ambitions and further encourage renewable development and industry in the region". 

Prime Infrastructure Holdings plans 3.5 GW photovoltaic solar farm:

On June 10, 2022, pv.magazine-australia reported that Prime Infrastructure Holdings had announced plans to develop and to deploy a 2.5 GW to 3.5 GW photovoltaic solar farm and a 4 to 4.5 GWh BESS in the Philippines. 

NY awards 2.4 GW of photovoltaic solar and 159 MW of BESS:

On June 13, 2022, energy-storage reported that the US state of New York, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) had awarded 22 photovoltaic solar projects to install 2.4 GW of capacity, including six projects with co-located BESS having a combined capacity of 159 MW. The 22 photovoltaic projects will require USD 2.7 billion to develop and to deploy. The awards represent New York State's largest-shore-based procurement of renewable energy. 

Shell swift to shift:

On June 13, 2022, it reported widely that Shell UK had announced plans invest up to GBP 25 billion so as to enable it to achieve its "five ambitions to help the UK to net zero". 

Jinko searches for Keppel:

On June 13, 2022, reported that Jinko Power is to work with Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd to identify up to 1 GW of photovoltaic solar and BESS in which Keppel may invest "in key developed markets in Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East". 

BASF to develop battery recycling plant in Germany:

On June 22, 2022, reported that BASF is to develop a commercial scale battery recycling black mass plant in Schwarzheide, Germany: the concept of black mass refers to the first step in the recycling process, deriving metals used to produce cathode active materials (CAMs), including cobalt, lithium, manganese, and nickel.

24 bidders approved or 2 GW auction:

On June 22, 2022, reported that the Green Energy Auction Bids Evaluation and Awards Committee of the Philippines Department of Energy (DOE) had approved 24 bidders to compete in an auction to allocate 2 GW of capacity. As reported, of the 24 bidders, eight are photovoltaic solar, eight are wind, seven are run-of-river hydroelectric, and one is biomass

The Green Energy Auction Bids Evaluation and Awards Committee published details of 19 bidders successful in their bids, allocating 1.966 GW of renewable energy among them, with around 1.490 GW of photovoltaic solar, 374 MW of wind, 120 MW of hydroelectric and 3.5 MW of biomass

Sun Cable investment ready:

On June 24, 2022, Sun Cable announced that Infrastructure Australia had endorsed its USD 30 billion project as investment ready, among other things, providing an opportunity for Sun Cable to access funding from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility. 

Land Mobility / Transport:

Buses and coaches: 

Melbourne to run hydrogen buses:

On June 2, 2022, it was reported widely that from March 2023 the State of Victoria, Australia, will trial the use of two hydrogen powered and propelled buses. As reported, Transit Systems will operate the buses, which are to be trialled on 15 school bus routes, and 26 other routes in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

IVECO to recommence production of buses in Italy:

On June 21, 2020, reported that IVECO intends to recommence the production of buses, including using battery electric and fuel-cell technologies to manufacture battery electric, and fuel-cell electric buses. 

Cars (including taxis and air-taxis, and fast cars and racing cars!):

Have the cars been drinking?:

On June 10, 2022, reported that TotalEnergies deployed a hydrogen refuelling station at the Le Mans, 24-hour race. In addition, it was reported that the 62 cars competing in the 90th Le Mans 24-hour race (June 11 and 12, 2022) were powered and propelled by 100% renewable fuel produced and supplied by TotalEnergies – Excellium Racing 100. Excellium Racing 100 is derived and produced from wine residues (grape marcs and lees).

Overair Funded:

On June 14, 2022, reported that Hanwha Group had provided USD 145 million in funding to Overair for the development of the electric vertical and landing (eVTOL) Butterfly.

Ferrari to go electric:

On June 17, 2022, The Financial Times reported that Ferrari will power and propel 40% of its vehicles using battery electric technology by 2030, and 40% of its vehicles using hybrid technology by 2030.

On June 23, 2022, it was reported widely that Ferrari is work with Bloom Energy to decarbonise its motor vehicle manufacturing plant at Maranello, Italy. 

Battery, Fuel Cell and ICE Technology:

Recharge will driving:

On June 1, 2022, reported that Electreon had announced that it is planning the development and deployment a wireless-charging pilot road project in Detroit, Michigan, US. 

Cummins Inc zero-emissions for Komatsu:

On June 28, 2022, Cummins Inc announced that it was to work with Komatsu Ltd under a memorandum of understanding to develop zero-emissions haulage equipment.

Hyundai Doosan ICE:

On June 29, 2022, it was reported widely that Hyundai Doosan Infracore had commenced development of a hydrogen-fired engine for use in buses, commercial vehicles and construction machinery and vehicles, and heavy goods vehicles / trucks.

Industrial Vehicles and Trucks: 

JCB parades first hydrogen digger:

During the Queen's 70th Jubilee Week (during the first week of June), it was reported widely that the JCB backhoe loader had been introduced to the world (in one of the parades held to mark the Jubilee). 

Volvo CE tests first hydrogen articulated hauler:

On June 13, 2022, it was reported widely that Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) had commenced testing of a prototype articulated hauler – the Volvo HXO4.

Amogy Ammonia tractor:

On June 9, 2022, the Ammonia Energy Association announced that Amogy had demonstrated successfully a new ammonia powered and propelled tractor in Stony Brook, New York: a 100 KW ammonia-to-power system having been integrated successfully into a John Deere mid-sized standard tractor.

Volvo testing fuel cell technology trucks:

On June 20, 2022, it was reported widely the Volvo Trucks is testing trucks powered and propelled by hydrogen fuel cells. As reported, the range of the Volvo Trucks using fuel-cells is up to 1,000 kms (or 620 miles), and having the ability to refuel in 15 minutes.

Hydrogen key for heavy-duty long distance transportation:

On June 23, 2022, Rethink Energy published Heavy duty transport transition WILL rely more on hydrogen than batteries. At 20 pages, the publication is an easy, and thought provoking, read. 

Recharging and refuelling infrastructure:

Portable hydrogen cartridge:

On June 2, 2022, Toyota Motor Corporation, and its subsidiary Woven Planet Holdings, announced the development of a prototype hydrogen cartridge for use in a number of applications. 

CLARA and Hydrogen Fuels provide clear hyway:

On June 22, 2022, it was reported widely that CLARA Energy and Hydrogen Fuels Australia are to work together to develop and to deploy up to five hydrogen refuelling stations along the Hulme Highway, the main highway between Australia's two most populous cities, Melbourne and Sydney. As reported, the cost of the development and deployment will be around AUD 600 million.

Liquid hydrogen refuelling station:

On June 27, 2022, it was reported widely that a liquid hydrogen refuelling station had been installed at the Daimler Truck testing centre in Wörth am Rhein, Germany.


Berlin-Brandenburg lines go hydrogen:

On June 27 and 28, 2022, it was reported widely that Siemens Mobility had contracted with Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn (NEB) to supply seven of its two-car hydrogen powered and propelled Mireo Plus H trains for a line in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany. As reported, Siemens is to deliver the trains for Q3 2024. The Mireo Plus H trains will replace diesel trains. 

Underground goes green:

On June 28, 2022, it was reported widely that the Mayor of London, Mr Sadiq Khan, got rolling the procurement process to procure green electrical energy to power and to propel the London Underground system. The procurement process will result in 10% of electrical energy to be supplied from renewable energy sources to Transport for London, with the long-term intention to move to 100%.

Ports Progress and Shipping Forecast:

Ferries and other craft (including tugs):

Approval in Principle (AiP) for H2 Ocean:

On June 3, 2022, it was reported widely that leading international shipping classification society, Lloyds Register, had granted AiP in respect of the design of the H2 Ocean, a harbour cruise vessel powered and propelled by fuel cell technology and battery electric technology. 

Launch of hydrogen-powered vessel concept:

On June 13, 2022, it was reported widely that DNV, Ektank AB, Shell Shipping and Maritime, and TECO 2000 had launched the Hy-Ektobank. The concept manifest by the Hy-Ektobank is that existing Ektank vessels will be retrofitted with fuel cell technology to power and to propel them, using compressed and liquified hydrogen. The Hy-Ektobank is intended to allow Ektank to reduce its GHG emission footprint by 55% by 2030, and to achieve net-zero by 2050

EV Ellen poster ferry:

On June 20, 2022, reported that EV Ellen had set a new world record during the International Energy Agency 7th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency held in Sønderborg, Denmark. EV Ellen travelled 92 kms (or 50 nautical miles) on a single charge of its battery. The EV Ellen has been operating since 2019, using Danfoss' Editron electric drivetrains and propulsion motor. 

Sparky the electric tug:

On June 21, 2022, it was reported widely that the Port of Auckland, New Zealand, had received Sparky, the electric tug (e-tug in some reporting). Sparky is the first Damen RSD-E Tug 251, having a 70 tonne bollard pull, and 2,240 batteries producing 2,784 KWh of power.  

MV Hydrogen one hydrogen tug:

On June 22, 2022, reported on the development of MV / Hydrogen One being developed by US-based Maritime Partners LLC, with Maritime Partners placing orders with PowerCell Sweden AB for its PowerCellution Marine System 200 fuel cells.

Green Ports (including infrastructure):

Ports need to be supercharged:

On June 24, 2022, reported that the UK ports sector has called on the UK Government "to supercharge the delivery of energy network infrastructure to ports with new research and a transformational funding programme".

Stockholm Norvik Port development:

On June 30, 2022, it was reported widely that CBM.TECH and Ports of Stockholm are to work together to develop a hydrogen refuelling station in the vicinity of the Norvik Port. The refuelling station will supply hydrogen to fuel cell powered and propelled vehicles deployed at Norvik Port.

Green Freeports: 

Bids on the way:

As reported in Edition 40 of the Low Carbon Pulse, two Freeports in Scotland will benefit from lower tariffs and tax incentives within defined precincts of airports, seaports and rail terminals. 

Bids in:

As reported widely, bids for Freeport status were received on June 20, 2022, from the following (in alphabetical order): Clyde Green Freeport, Opportunity Cromarty Firth, Firth of Forth Green Freeport, Orkney Green Freeport, and North East Scotland Green Freeport (comprising Port of Aberdeen and Aberdeen International Airport and the Peterhead Port Authority).

Green Shipping:

Ocean Yield orders methanol -ready box-ship:

On June 13, 2022, reported that Ocean Yield AS is to order a 5,500 TEU box-shop from HJ Shipbuilding & Construction (formerly Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction).

LMG Marin AS green ammonia carrier:

On June 13, 2022, Sembcorp Marine Ltd announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, LMG Marin AS, working with Grieg Edge and Wärtsilä had been awarded Approval in Principle (AiP) for the design of a tanker (MS Green Ammonia) that is powered and propelled by Green Ammonia. The AiP was awarded by DNV – Maritime (Den Norske Veritas)

Acta Marine in the act:

On June 14, 2022, reported that Acta Marine had ordered two next generation MDO / HVO powered and propelled DP2 methanol fuelled construction support operating vessels (CSOVs) from Turkish shipyard Tersan. 


On June 17, 2022, reported that dual fuel MAN Engines had been installed on a work boat: the MAN Engines are V-12 marine diesel engines (MAN D2862 LE448) that have been supplemented with a hydrogen injection system by CMB.TECH.

Howden E-compression:

On June 17, 2022, reported that Howden had signed a contract with European Energy to provide hydrogen compressors to allow European Energy to deliver compressed Green Hydrogen as feedstock for the production of E-Methanol for use in maritime transportation. 

Proman Stena Bulk takes delivery of methanol fuelled tanker:

On June 20, 2022, reported that Proman Stena Bulk had taken delivery of the first of six 49,990 dwt methanol-powered-and-propelled dual-fuel medium-range tankers – the Stena Pro Patria

ESL Shipping to use Neste co-processed marine fuel:

On June 20, 2022, Neste announced that ESL Shipping is to use Neste MarineTM 0.1 Co-processed marine fuel to power and to propel ESL Shipping vessels in Finland and Sweden. 

WindWings flying:

Mitsubishi Corporation to sail:

On June 21, 2022, reported that Mitsubishi Corporation intends to install Two WindWings on the Pyxis Ocean, a 80,962 dwt bulk carrier

BAR Technologies has developed the WindWings technology, and Yara Marine will install the WindWings on the Pyxis Ocean

Berge Bulk Berge Olympus to sail:

On June 29, 2022, it was reported widely that Berge Bulk (leading dry bulk shipping corporation) is to equip its Newcastlemax bulk carrier, the 210,000 DWT Berge Olympus, with four BAR Technologies WindWings.

SeaShuttle on the drawing board:

On June 23, 2021, it was reported widely that Enova (Norwegian energy and climate technology company, operating under the Ministry of Climate and Environment) had provided funding support for the development of two fuel-cell technology hydrogen powered and propelled 500 TEU containerships to be remotely controlled and autonomous ready.

ENOVA supports hydrogen and ammonia ecosystem:

On June 24, 2022, it was reported widely that Enova is to support five hydrogen production facilities along the coast of Norway and seven hydrogen and ammonia powered and propelled vessels


On June 27, 2022, reported that Knud E. Hansen and Wallenius Marine had signed a memorandum of agreement for Knud E. Hansen to join the team designing the world's first wind-powered roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) 7,000 CEU vessel. 

Decarbonising the maritime sector:

Coordinated action needed across the maritime sector:

On June 8, 2022, posted an article Decarbonising the maritime sector: Mobilising coordinated action in the industry using an eco-systems approach. The article starts with facts and stats that are known: the marine industry emitted about 1.2 giga-tonnes of CO2-e in 2020, equivalent to about 3% of global GHG emissions. 

Green Shipping Corridors:

On June 10, 2022, reported that the Port of Long Beach (California) or POLB had joined the Shanghai-Los Angeles Green Shipping Corridor

CO2 carrier capacity:

On June 16, 2022, Reuters reported that Shell intends to develop CO2 carriers with 12,000 m3 capacity, moving to 36,000, 40,000 and 70,000 m3. Along with Equinor and TotalEnergies, Shell is developing the Northern Lights project (as part of the Longship project), on continental shelf of Norway. 

Vessel Emission Reductions:

On June 28, 2022, Maersk McKinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping published Determining the impact and role of onboard vessel emissions reduction. The publication is a helpful reminder that while CO2 is the focus of GHG emission reductions in the shipping sector, the other two well-mixed GHG's, CH4 and N2O, need to be a focus too, not least because their global warming potential is considerable greater than CO2 by metric tonne equivalence.

Airports and Aviation:

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge:

On June 6, 2022, LanzaJet posted an article stating that Southwest Airlines is to co-invest in the SAFFire renewables project, which is developing technology devised in the ever-active National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to convert corn stover into ethanol as feedstock for the derivation / production of SAF at the Freedom Pines Fuels facility of LanzeJet.

Airbus and Kansai Airports look to deploy hydrogen:

On June 10, 2022, it was reported widely that Airbus Industries and Kansai Airports had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) under which they are to assess the use of hydrogen at three airports owned and operated by Kansai AirportsKansai International Airport, Kobe Airport and Osaka international Airport

ATR, Braathens and Neste teaming for first 100% SAF flight:

On June 21, 2022, AFR, Braathens and Neste each announced that on June 21, 2022, the first 100% SAF commercial flight had taken place in Sweden, using Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

The Netherlands committed to first hydrogen flights to the London by 2028:

On June 13, 2022, reported that a consortium of 17 Dutch corporations and organisations (with funding support from the Dutch Government) are committed to the first hydrogen flight by a medium- sized passenger aircraft from Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to London, England (around 750 kms) by 2028

GHG emissions from aircraft must peak by 2025:

On June 15, 2022, the International Council on Clean Temperature (ICCT) published Vision 2050: Aligning Aviation with the Paris Agreement (Vision 2050). The ICCT publication assesses the progress that needs to be made to ensure that the aviation sector achieves GHG emission reductions consistent the Paris Agreement. 

For these purposes, the ICCT provides three scenarios: Action consistent with achieving a 2OC increase in average global temperatures compared to pre-industrial times, Transformation consistent with achieving a 1.75OC increase, and Breakthrough consistent with achieving a 1.5OC increase. 

Jacob's Ladder:

On June 15, 2022, Jacobs Engineering published Airports as Catalysts for Decarbonisation. The Jacobs publication complements the Aerospace Technology and FlyZero publication Hydrogen Infrastructure and Operation, Airports, Airlines and Aerospace reported on in Edition 37 of Low Carbon Pulse. 

Air Liquide and Groupe ADP shared aviation visions:

On June 15, 2022, it was reported widely that Air Liquide and Groupe ADP had entered into a joint venture to work together to combine the expertise and know-how of Air Liquide in respect of hydrogen with that of Groupe ADP in respect of airport infrastructure development and deployment and operations. 

Bristling with promise:

On June 21, 2022, reported that a hydrogen consortium had been established to develop hydrogen infrastructure. The consortium is reported to consist of Airbus Industries, Bristol Airport, Bristol Port, Costain, Easyjet, GKN Aerospace, Hymamics, Wales and West Utilities and Wood (Hydrogen South West consortium). 

ExxonMobil to produce SAF:

On June 21, 2022, reported that ExxonMobil intends to manufacture SAF from renewable methanol. The renewable methanol feedstock is derived from the gasification of biomass and waste, and "lower-carbon" hydrogen, and then compounded with CO2 that has been captured, with the renewable methanol then synthesised to produce SAF.

Airbus and Linde global MOU:

On June 24, 2022, Linde announced that it and Airbus had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to work on the development of hydrogen infrastructure at airports globally, covering working together to establish global supply chains for hydrogen, from production to storage at airports, including the integration of refuelling into ground handling operations.

The author of (and researcher for) each edition of Low Carbon Pulse is Michael Harrison.

The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.