Key Insights
- In December 2020, the GasFields Commission Queensland released a new version of its Gas Guide (Gas Guide 2.0).
- The Gas Guide 2.0 is a "one-stop shop" for up-to-date information about developments in the gas sector and is specifically aimed at landholders to ensure that they are able to effectively manoeuvre the processes and procedures relevant for petroleum and gas development on their land.
- The Gas Guide 2.0 includes a roadmap which provides an overview of each stage landholders can expect to engage with petroleum and gas proponents.
Gas Guide 2.0 at a glance
The Gas Guide 2.0 covers matters relevant to landholder negotiations with petroleum and gas proponents in Queensland, including:
- the award of exploration permits;
- key agreements (eg access agreements, CCAs and "make good" agreements);
- dispute resolution;
- landholder rights and obligations;
- key legislation and policy frameworks; and
- rehabilitation and asset handover.
GasFields Commission Queensland's Roadmap
The Gas Guide 2.0's roadmap summarises the key matters that parties should keep in mind during each stage of engagement and details each stage of gas industry tenure, namely:
- advertisement of new tenure – forms part of the exploration phase;
- grant of Authority to Prospect (ATP) and/or Petroleum Licence (PL) – spans the engagement, land access and construction phases; and
- ATP and/or PL rehabilitation and relinquishment – forms part of the land rehabilitation and asset handover phase.
The full edition of the Gas Guide 2.0, including the roadmap, can be accessed on the GasFields Commission Queensland's website.
Author: Leanne Mahly, Lawyer.