Gaëlle Cognet

Gaëlle Cognet

Counsel based in Paris

Gaëlle Cognet

Gaëlle Cognet is a counsel in Ashurst Paris' projects and energy transition

Gaëlle has been recruited with a view to support the public law practice and expand the firm’s activities in environmental law.

A former in-house counsel for an independent solar producer and subsequently partner in one of France’s leading law firms in public law, Gaëlle has an extensive experience of the energy sector and the related public law regulations. She has also developed a pioneer expertise on the legal consequences of climate change (flooding, coastline retreat) on coastal territories.

Gaëlle assists public institutions, companies, investors and project developers in France (metropolitan and overseas territories) and Francophone Africa on all public law matters relating to their activities (administrative law, public contracts, public domain, urban planning law, territorial government authorities law,..) with an acute attention to the increasing environmental and ESG requirements they must comply with.

She holds seminars on environmental law. She was a main contributor to the commented Energy Code for Dalloz editions from 2014 to 2020.

Gaëlle is fluent in French and in English and is an Avocat at the Paris Bar.