Students and Graduates

Uniquely You at Ashurst

Uniquely You at Ashurst

As a new recruit at Ashurst, you’ll be valued as much for your personal and professional qualities, as for your ability to build relationships and work in teams, handle pressure and setbacks, and take responsibility.

We see your passion for learning and innovating, your ability to adapt to change, and your drive to achieve goals and objectives as key to your potential as a future lawyer. Accordingly, our graduate programs will inspire the best from you, offering mentorship, growth opportunities, and global exposure.

Our diverse talent boosts the holistic problem-solving power of our client teams, creating a vibrant, stimulating workplace. That’s why we encourage you to bring your whole self to work every day: your own style of analysing and interpreting information, your curiosity, and your empathy. Everything that makes you uniquely you.

We’re deeply passionate about driving high performance, fostering equity and fairness, and providing everyone with opportunities to demonstrate their full potential. Our effort to make a positive impact in communities where we operate strengthens our people’s engagement, encourages diversity of thought, and helps us attract and retain the best. And it all begins with you!

Learn more about how we empower our people and our IDB strategy.

Explore all the career opportunities we offer students and graduates in your location below.


Case studies

Gary Lou

Gary Lou

Gary shares what he looks forward to as part of his clerkship training as a Summer Clerk.


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Georgia Bertolini

Georgia Bertolini discusses her exciting journey of going on secondment to Japan.


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Kelsey Reid-Jones

Kelsey discusses her journey to Ashurst and life as a member of the Global Loans team.

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Matthew Vermeulen

 Matthew Vermeulen

We catch a glimpse of Matthew's day as a Summer Clerk with the Competition team.


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Podcast series



Tom Segev

In our debut episode, trainee Tom shares his journey to joining Ashurst's trainee program. Tom details his decision-making process between pursuing music law and commercial law, and along the way highlights how he navigated these choices.

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Khadija Patel & Nick Hwong

In this episode of the series, trainees Khadija and Nick bring a host of insights and tips to help those considering a career in commercial law navigate their way through the competitive world of legal training applications.

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Case studies

Emerging Talent Hub and Virtual Experience Programmes

Our Emerging Talent Hub gives you insight into the world of commercial law. There is open access to virtual legal internships and programmes that focus on your employability skills, and other resources.


Applicant Resource Hub

For answers to all your frequently asked questions and information on application & interview tips, the benefits we provide, life at Ashurst, our L&D programmes, and our IDB initiatives.

Visit hub

Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging

Our inclusive and diverse culture stands at the heart of everything we do. For more information on our initiatives and the support we provide please follow the link below.

More information