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UK election 2024

Support and resources

The outcome of the 2024 UK election will bring changes that will impact your business strategy.

We can help with advising what your business needs to consider in light of the possible changes and the steps your business may need to be take.

For more information about the impacts or opportunities, please contact your usual Ashurst contact or one of our partners listed below.



Restructuring & Special Situations

News and updates

The Conservatives and Labour have set out their stalls on what employers can expect in relation to employment changes if they win the General Election on 4 July.
In this briefing we take a look at some of the key employment promises that the two main political parties have made.

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An estimated 80% of the commercial buildings that will be here in 2050 already exist today, and most of these are currently sub-standard in terms of energy efficiency performance. The challenge is not only working out what needs to be done, but also who is going to do what and who will pay.

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Following the UK government's announcement to scrap the EPC requirements for residential properties, the MEES debate for commercial property is once again back in the spotlight.

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We explore how the treatment of nature-related risks and opportunities (NROs) is shifting within the real estate sector and what this means for UK property investors, funders, developers and occupiers. We consider the impact on sustainability reporting and investment and development decisions.

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Read what we think are 5 top things to look out for in 2024 affecting UK planning.

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We draw out the key outcomes from COP28 and the investment and market signals they send to help you to assess how climate risks, opportunities and associated policies will impact your business in 2024 and beyond.

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