Ashurst advises CleanCo Queensland on Capacity Purchase Agreement with Kaban Wind Farm
23 September 2021

CleanCo is supporting new renewable energy projects across Queensland through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and CPAs. These commitments contribute to achieving Queensland's target of 1400MW of new renewable energy by 2025 and support the Queensland Government’s 50% Renewable Energy Target by 2050.
This is the first CPA for CleanCo and for a wind farm in the Queensland market.
Partner Dan Brown commented:
"We are genuinely thrilled to have supported CleanCo on this market defining transaction which pushes Queensland closer to its commitment of reaching 50% renewables by 2050. This is the first Capacity Purchase Agreement for CleanCo and the first of its kind in the Queensland market."
The Ashurst team was led by partner Dan Brown and included partners Damian Salsbury and Tony Hill, counsel Douglas Fung and Nathan Bellgrove, senior associates Tristan Shepherd, Mike Webb, Danielle Davidson, senior manager Tae Royle, legal project manager Sam Auty, legal technologist Joshua Williams and graduate Harriet Curran.