
    Ashurst advises Generali on various investments in private debt strategies for circa EUR 1.7 billion

    Global law firm Ashurst has advised Generali Investments Partners in relation to recent commitments, through its fund-of-funds scheme, for an aggregate amount of circa €1.7 billion, made in various private debt investment strategies' structures, all settled and operated by key US and UK private debt asset managers.

    Generali Investments Partners’s Private Debt Fund-of-Funds team, award winning Investor of the Year (Europe – Private Debt Investor 2022), is Generali's division active in the selection of private debt investments, across direct lending, credit opportunities and asset based lending, which fund-of-funds scheme is invested by Generali Group’s insurance companies while being equally opened to third party investors.

    The Ashurst cross-border team was led by partners Michele Milanese and Arnaud Julien, supported by partner Antonios Nezeritis and associates Frank Noesen and Thécla Madonna.

    Ashurst worked alongside both the legal department of the Group Asset & Wealth Management of Generali Investments Partners S.p.A., led by General Counsel Pierluigi Martino, and the legal Investments function, led by Andrea Pizzioli, supported by legal advisors Valeria Giuliani, Miriam Triggiani and Federico Di Giovanni and the Head of Private Debt Fund-of-Funds within Generali Investments Partners S.p.A, Marco Busca, supported by portfolio manager Giulia Migliori.