Who We Are
Responsible Business
Creating and protecting your sustainable value for the long term
Ashurst's perspective isn’t limited by the world as it is – but is inspired by the world as it could be. We are committed to being part of a sustainable present and future for our people, clients and communities by the extraordinary actions we take as a responsible business and through the advice and services we provide.
Being a responsible business involves not only the work we do for clients but how we undertake our business and impact the communities we touch. We align our operations to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on areas where we can help drive forward those goals.
Ashurst is committed to:
Empowering our people
Ashurst has a long history of outpacing change by promoting inclusivity in our firm, our networks and our communities.
Protecting our planet
We understand the need to take immediate action if we are to limit global warming and avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change.
Promoting prosperity in our communities
We ground our global pro bono practice in the ethics of professional responsibility.
Employing sound principles of governance
Our Responsible Business Strategy and sustainability goals are overseen by our Responsible Business Steering Group.

Responsible Business Report 2023-2024
Sharing our sustainability commitments and aspirations in 4 key areas: our people; prosperity in our communities; protecting our planet; and sound principles of governance.
Read our Responsible Business report